Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My father's response to my letter

I thank you so much for writing I have thought of you everyday too and Brooklynn and Ian. I was very happy and proud of you at your wedding my little girl was all grown up and it was hard to fight back the tears. I want you to know l love you and you are always in my heart and thoughts. Has been a long tough year for us all and I have stayed away giving you your space and time, I think the thought of the disappointment in your eyes was more than I could bear. I can never right my wrongs and I know that, I understand your anger and it hurts to know how I made you feel and not having you in my life has been one of the worst things I can Imagine but your right it is my fault and I am sorry Stephanie for hurting you. I hope your doing good and happy, I have watched a couple of your youtube videos of you and Brooklynn and it always makes me smile seeing you but sad to see what I am missing in my life. do not be sorry you have nothing to be sorry for this is my fault, you have always been a good kid, a good daughter. Thank you so much for the message I love you very much.


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